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Resumen de Las cumbres iberoamericanas (1991 y 2018) y la escenificación de la política exterior latinoamericana: la construcción de un espacio común en el contexto internacional

Ana Alicia Lozano González, Marta Pulido Polo, Sara Pink

  • español

    La institucionalización de las Cumbres Iberoamericanas, inicia la construcción de un espacio común latinoamericano orientado al encuentro (al máximo nivel de representación), diálogo y cooperación entre los países de habla española y portuguesa. Si para España las cumbres constituyen un instrumento clave para escenificar su liderazgo en el seno de la comunidad europea, para los países latinoamericanos representa una relevante plataforma que permite llevar la voz de América Latina al escenario internacional. A través de un diseño metodológico cuanticualitativo sustentado en el método del estudio de caso y la triangulación intramétodos, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las cumbres iberoamericanas organizadas entre 1991 y 2018, como marcos espacio-temporales específicamente diseñados, a través de las técnicas de organización de actos, para reflejar el sistema de poder establecido, la distribución de fuerzas que lo componen y su intencionalidad social y simbólica en el entramado internacional. Los resultados muestran las cumbres iberoamericanas como foros internacionales construidos estratégicamente para canalizar procesos bidireccionales de gestión de la comunicación institucional capaces de reflejar el peso político y económico de la comunidad latinoamericana en el contexto internacional.


  • English

    The institutionalization of Latin American summits initiates the construction of a common Latin American space focused on meetings (representation by the highest level of officials), dialogue and cooperation between Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries. If for Spain summits are a key instrument in staging its leadership within the heart of the European community, for Latin American countries, they represent a relevant platform for bringing the voice of Latin America to the world stage. Through a quanti-qualitative method supported by the case study method and intramethod triangulation, the objective of this investigation is to analyze the Latin American summits organized between 1991 and 2018 as space-time frameworks specifically designed, through the organization of official functions, to reflect the established power system, the distribution of forces that comprise it and its social and symbolic intentionality in an international setting. The results show the Latin American summits as international forums strategically constructed to channel bidirectional processes of institutional communication capable of reflecting the economic and political importance of the Latin American community in an international context.

    _______________________________ The institutionalization of Latin American summits initiates the construction of a common Latin American space focused on meetings (representation by the highest level of officials), dialogue and cooperation between Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries. If for Spain summits are a key instrument in staging its leadership within the heart of the European community, for Latin American countries, they represent a relevant platform for bringing the voice of Latin America to the world stage. Through a quanti-qualitative method supported by the case study method and intramethod triangulation, the objective of this investigation is to analyze the Latin American summits organized between 1991 and 2018 as space-time frameworks specifically designed, through the organization of official functions, to reflect the established power system, the distribution of forces that comprise it and its social and symbolic intentionality in an international setting. The results show the Latin American summits as international forums strategically constructed to channel bidirectional processes of institutional communication capable of reflecting the economic and political importance of the Latin American community in an international context.

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