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Resumen de La alternancia morfosintáctica en composición: un fenómeno sistematizable

Bárbara Marqueta Gracia

  • The aim of this paper is to propose a cartographic approach to verb projec-tions in compound words. In a cartographic model, the properties of this cat-egory are linked to a discrete set of ordered functional categories. Verbs present a large amount of morphosyntactic and morphophonological variation, as shown by the following data: trotamundos [jogs-worlds] ‘globetrotter’, where trota is a fixed 3rd person present form, against causahabiente [cause+having] ‘succes-sor’, where habiente is a present participle form, or entrelazar [between+tie] ‘intertwine’, where lazar is a completely regular inflectable verb. I organize their analysis according to the position of verbs inside the compound and their head/non-head status. I argue that the syntactic behavior of verbs, their morpho-logical spell-out, and some aspects of their meaning depend on whether or not their projections contain functional categories such as v, which forces causative subjects, or time-domain functional categories, which are necessary for full ver-bal projections. From the viewpoint of the syntax-lexicon interface, this study mainly focuses on the correlation between the argument structure of verbal com-pounds and the choice between allomorphs such as abri/abre.

Fundación Dialnet

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