Carolina Tarayre, Diana Isabela Lis
En la declaración de la III Conferencia Regional de Educación Superior de América Latina y el Caribe se reafirma la premisa de la “Educación Superior como un bien público social, un derecho humano y universal, y un deber de los Estados”. En esta línea, el cuarto Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de la Agenda 2030 de Desarrollo adoptada por la UNESCO (2017), postula garantizar una educación inclusiva, equitativa y de calidad, y promover oportunidades de aprendizaje durante toda la vida para todos. En Argentina el acceso a la Educación Superior es irrestricto y la matrícula crece sostenidamente, sin embargo, no todos los alumnos que ingresan al sistema pueden sortear los cambios que significa el tránsito del nivel secundario hacia el nivel superior, así es que ocurre el abandono, el cual constituye una frustración para el alumno y su entorno y una constante preocupación para las autoridades. Frente a esta realidad, desde la Secretaría de Políticas Universitarias, se han diseñado e implementado diversos programas para intentar acompañar a los alumnos en los primeros años de su carrera universitaria. El propósito de este trabajo es examinar una de las acciones que se ha desplegado en la Universidad del Sur, Departamento de Economía, utilizando el método estudio de caso. Luego de reflexionar sobre las acciones de articulación y su importancia a nivel general, se reseñarán los principales aspectos de la acción objeto de estudio, su devenir a lo largo de estos años, el cambio realizado durante el año 2019 y sus resultados preliminares.
The declaration of the III Regional Conference on Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean reaffirms the premise of "Higher Education as a social public good, a human and universal right, and a duty of the States", in the belief that knowledge is an essential social good for the growth and development of people.
Along these lines, the fourth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of the Development Agenda adopted by UNESCO (2030), postulates guaranteeing an inclusive, equitable and quality education, and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all. In this context, the challenge faced by the American states is the generation of policies aimed at achieving universal access, permanence and graduation. In Argentina, access to Higher Education is unrestricted and enrollment grows steadily. However, not all students who enter the system can overcome the changes that the transition from secondary to higher education means, so they drop out. Sometimes transitory, sometimes definitive, in some cases legitimate and in others avoidable. This dropout constitutes a frustration for the student and his environment and a constant concern for the authorities. Faced with this reality, the Secretariat of University Policies (SPU, as per its initials in Spanish) has designed and implemented various programs to try to accompany students in the first years of their university career, which is the time when the highest dropout rates are recorded. The purpose of this presentation is to examine one of the actions that in this sense has been deployed in the Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS, as per its initials in Spanish) in general and in particular in one of its academic units (UA) -Department of Economics-, using the case study method. After reflecting about the different articulation actions applied across the programs and their overall importance, we will focus on the main aspects of the actions above mentioned and how they evolved over the last years, the transformation taken place in 2019 and their preliminary results.
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