Madrid, España
En la sentencia Weiss/PSPP la Sala 2.ª del TCFA ha llevado la aplicación del control de ultra vires al extremo, hasta entonces inédito, de desautorizar, por arbitraria e infundada, la interpretación prejudicial del TJUE y, con ello, su inaplicación al caso; mediante un ejercicio exorbitante de interpretación alternativa del DUE (su alternativa interpretación competencial del principio de proporcionalidad confiere a su decisión un tinte arbitrista) al que se anuda la prescripción de tareas a los órganos políticos (que mediatamente apelan a la propia UE), de hacer y de no hacer. La reacción ante tal desatención de la divisoria jurisdiccional ha llevado, de inmediato, a la Sala 2.ª, de presidencia entrante, a modular el sentido y alcance de su remanente jurisdicción de control (no solo) de ultra vires, soltando el lastre-Weiss, en la pretensión de recuperar la congruencia iuseuropea de su función como juez de la aplicabilidad del DUE y de recuperar su prestigio como referente.
In the Weiss/PSPP judgment, the 2nd Chamber of the TCFA took the application of ultra vires control to the hither to unprecedented extreme of disallowing, as arbitrary and unfounded, the preliminary ruling of the CJEU and thus its inapplicability to the case; by means of an exorbitant exercise of alternative interpretation of the TEU (its alternative interpretation of the principle of proportionality gives its decision an arbitrary bias) to which is attached the prescription of tasks for the political bodies (which, in the medium term, appeal to the EU itself) to do and not to do. The reaction to such disregard for the jurisdictional dividing line has immediately led the 2nd Chamber, with its incoming presidency, to modulate the meaning and scope of its remaining jurisdiction of (not only) ultra vires control; releasing the Weiss ballast, in an attempt to recover the ius European congruence of its function as judge of the applicability of the EU Law and to recover its prestige as a point of reference.
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