Santiago, Chile
Corregimiento de Santiago durante 1773–1778, mediante la compilación de fuentes tributarias y, con ello, contribuye al debate sobre la organización del mercado interno colonial. Las principales mercancías de esta actividad provenían de la explotación pecuaria en las haciendas contiguas a Santiago, cuyas existencias ganaderas se complementaban desde provincias trasandinas. El mayor destino de esta oferta, donde actuaban grandes mercaderes, más un millar de comerciantes menores, eran los canales minoristas y sectores artesanales que abastecían a la población. El impulso de esta demanda era tal ya en aquella época que revela un grado de autonomía y dinamismo de este mercado mayor al que se presenta tradicionalmente para la economía chilena tardía colonial.
This article deals with the trade of local merchandise in Santiago’s district (Corregimiento) from 1773 to 1778, based on tributary sources. It contributes to the debate on the organization of the colonial internal market. The main traded merchandise, which represented about 80% of Chilean exports, came from the cattle exploitation that was developed in the haciendas around Santiago, whose cattle stocks were complemented from neighboring provinces in the Andes. The largest destination of this trade, in which big merchants acted together with a thousand minor merchants, were the retail channels and the artisan sectors supplying the population of Santiago. The impulse of this demand on the domestic market was so dynamic that it shows a degree of regional autonomy higher than what it is traditionally assumed for the Chilean economy in the late colonial period.
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