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Resumen de El feminicidio en Ciudad Juárez: una perspectiva jurídica

Olivia Aguirre Bonilla

  • español

    La violenciaencontra de las mujeres está presente hoy en día en nuestra sociedad, distintas modalidades son las que se hacen visibles e inclusive comunes, en ellas encontramos el feminicidiocomo aquel crimen perpetrado en contra de la mujer por el hecho de ser mujer. Nuestro espacio de estudio se avoca a la entidad federativa de Chihuahua, México, haciendo especial énfasis ala ciudad fronteriza de Juárez.

    Los objetivos de la presente investigación tienen como fin definir los conceptos de femicidio y feminicidiodesde el ámbito teórico y normativo; analizar las dimensiones y alcances del delito de homicidio por razón de género en el Código Penal del estado de Chihuahua; identificar las similitudes y diferencias del tipo penal en otras entidades del Estado mexicano y conocer las percepciones de las autoridades investigadoras y judiciales respecto al tipo penal.

    La base metodológica fue el enfoque cualitativo, a través del método inductivo, método comparativo y método exegético, cuyas técnicas fueron laentrevista semi-estructurada y la investigación documental.Siendo indispensable repensarel delito de feminicidio en la entidad y adaptarlo a la realidad, a través de una reforma integral que logrevisibilizar la violencia de género, y generar conciencia social sobre el problema.

  • English

    Violence against women is present today in our society, different modalities are those that become visible and even common, in them we find femicide as that crime perpetrated against women for the fact of being a woman. Our study space focuses on the federal entity of Chihuahua, Mexico, with special emphasis on the border city of Ciudad Juárez for being one of the cities where feminicides continue to be present, perceived and assimilated as part of normality by the authorities and by the society. The research has started from the qualitative approach, through the inductive method, the comparative method and the exegetical method. as an indispensable contribution to rethink the crime of femicide in the state of Chihuahua and adapt it to reality, thereby understanding the dimensions and scope of the norm that seeks the protection and promotion of women's human rights.

    The objetives of this research are aimed at defining the concepts of femicide and feminicide from the theoretical and normative scope: analyze the dimensions and scope of the crime of homicide based on gender in the Penal Code of the state of Chihuahua: Identify the similarities and differences of criminal type in the entities of the Mexican State and know the perceptions of the investigating and judicial authorities regarding the criminal type.

    The methodological base was the qualitative approach, through the inductive method, the comparative method and the exegetical method, whose techniques were the semi-structured interview and documentary research. It is essential to rethink the crime of femicide in the entity and adapt it to reality,through a comprehensive reform that makes gender violence visible and generates social awareness about the problem.

Fundación Dialnet

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