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Resumen de E pois me deus nom val: A ideia de Deus nas cantigas de amor galego-portuguesas

Christiano Aguiar

  • English

    This article aims to analyze a set of Galician-Portuguese medieval poems belon-ging to the strand of love songs. Our selection includes poems that use the word “God”. We baseour analysis onMongelli (2009), Spina (2009), Lemos (2007), Achcar (1994), among others scholars. Thus, we propose to unders-tand what are the different meanings that the reference to God assumes in the chosen poems.

  • português

    O presente artigo se propõe a analisar um conjunto de poemas medievais galego-portugueses pertencente à vertente das cantigas de amor. Nosso recorte contemplará poemas que contêm a palavra “Deus”. A partir das formulações teóricas de Mongelli (2009), Spina (2009), Lemos (2007), Achcar (1994), entre outros, nos propomos a compreender quais os diferentes significados que a referência a Deus assume nos poemas escolhidos.

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