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Resumen de Aplicaciones de Geo-Radar para determinar oquedades en el futuro emplazamiento de las pilas de sostenimiento de un viaducto

F. García, J. A. Canas, Jaime Clapés Boixader, R. Osorio, L. G. Pujades, V. Pérez Gracia, Josep Oriol Caselles Magallón

  • Ground penetrating radar is usually employed far non-destructive evaluations and maintenance of roads and bridges. This report describe the study of an emlbankmet where a bridge will be built due to the construction of a new road.

    The geology in this place, where the faundations of the bridge will be emplaced, are farmed by hint sands layers between conglomerates ones. Flowing water erases the sand causing hales and possible landslides, which cou/d be damaging far the bridge.

    The study of the embakment with a ground penetrating radar allows to know the thickness of the sand iayers and the posible hales placed into them.

    An antenna with center frecuency 100 MHz was used attending the characteristics of the emplacement. The radar data shows among sorne other things, the different reflectors due to the conglomerate, the sand layers and their thicknesses. The presence and the emplacement of several hales in the !ayers are also observed. These results show where the faundations must be properly placed. A comparison with a geological profile was perfomed to assure the results.

Fundación Dialnet

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