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Resumen de Utilización de técnicas de Láser Escáner Terrestre en la monitorización de procesos geomorfológicos en una zona acarcavada

María Estela Nadal Romero, Jesús Revuelto Benedí, Juan Ignacio López Moreno, María Paz Errea Abad, José María García Ruiz

  • Geomorphological processes in badland areas have been widely estimated by discrete and traditional observations of topographic changes measured by field work, erosion pins or profile meters (invasive techniques). In recent times, non-invasive geomatic techniques have been routinely applied in geomorphological studies. These techniques provide the opportunity to build high-resolution topographic models. By comparing different DEMs of the same area, obtained at different dates, variations in the terrain and temporal dynamics can be analyzed. The aim of this study is to assess geomorphological processes (erosion and deposition processes) in a humid badland area by using Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS, RIEGL LPM-321). Results show that TLS data provide new opportunities in geomorphological studies, recording topographic changes. Erosion and deposition processes were observed and data was related to climatological and hydrological variables. The non-contact nature of TLS techniques avoids problematic complications of surface disturbance when using traditional and invasive methods.

Fundación Dialnet

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