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Resumen de A Holistic and Multidisciplinary Approach to Children Music Education

António João César, Luísa Correia Castilho

  • The idea for the development of an action research methodology work about the possibilities of implementing a holistic approach in music teaching is the result not only of the indispensable academic reflection, but also of the professional experience of the authors as researchers and teachers in the area of music teaching. The following research questions (1 and 2) and objectives (3 and 4) were addressed: (1) how to implement a holistic and multidisciplinary music didactic within the scope of musical training classes at elementary education level? (2) how effective and relevant is the implementation of a holistic and multidisciplinary music didactic within the scope of musical training classes at elementary education level? (3) to adapt, create and implement a diverse set of exercises and procedures potentially conducive to a teaching-learning experience based on a holistic and multidisciplinary setting; (4) to evaluate the effectiveness of these exercises and procedures, taking into account, inter alia, students learning progression and motivation. Although the small number of students participating in this work doesn’t allow any kind of scientific generalization of the research outcome achieved, the data obtained seems to reinforce the effectiveness of holistic procedures, especially in terms of students’ interest and motivation.

Fundación Dialnet

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