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A influência do fator local no resultado dos jogos do campeonato catarinense de futebol

    1. [1] Instituto de Ensino Superior da Grande Florianópolis-IESGF, São Jose-SC, Brasil; Bacharel em Educação Física do Instituto de Ensino Superior da Grande Florianópolis-IESGF, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil.
    2. [2] Instituto de Ensino Superior da Grande Florianópolis-IESGF, São Jose-SC, Brasil; Mestre em Ciências do Movimento Humano pela Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina-UDESC, Brasil.
  • Localización: RBFF - Revista Brasileira de Futsal e Futebol, ISSN-e 1984-4956, Vol. 13, Nº. 52, 2021, págs. 39-46
  • Idioma: portugués
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • The influence of the local factor in the result of the Santa Catarina football championship games
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • English

      The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of the local factor on the results of the Catarinense Football Championship games. As research data, the results of 367 games from the First division of the Catarinense Football Championship, between 2016 and 2019, were selected. Data were collected through electronic summaries, available on the Santa Catarina Football Federation website, and then tabulated in a program database in Microsoft Excel, where a descriptive statistical analysis was performed. To calculate the advantage of playing at home, it was used the Pollard method, which considers that there is an advantage when there is more than 50% performance at home. The study results showed that from the games analyzed, the home teams won 172, tied 101 and lost 94, resulting in performance of 56.04 points earned. When analyzing the Champion teams campaign from each year, a similar advantage was observed, with values varying from 70 to 80%. It is concluded with this study that the fact of playing at home represents a very important advantage for the home team, increasing the chances of victory, and, for a team to have a chance of winning, it’s important to earn many points at home games

    • português

      O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a influência do fator local no resultado dos jogos do campeonato catarinense de futebol. Como dados da pesquisa, foram selecionados os resultados de 367 jogos do campeonato catarinense de futebol profissional da primeira divisão, ocorridos entre os anos de 2016 a 2019. Os dados foram coletados por meio de súmulas eletrônicas, disponíveis no site da federação catarinense de futebol, e em seguida tabulados em um banco de dados do programa Microsoft Excel, onde foi realizado uma análise estatística descritiva. Para calcular a possibilidade de vantagem de jogar em casa, foi utilizado o método proposto por Pollard, que considera que existe vantagem quando se tem aproveitamento em casa superior a 50%. Os resultados do estudo mostraram que do total de total de jogos analisados, as equipes mandantes venceram 172, empataram 101 e perderam 94, resultando em um aproveitamento de 56,04 de pontos conquistados. Ao analisar e comparar a campanha das equipes campeãs de cada ano, observou-se um aproveitamento parecido, com valores variando entre 70 e 80%. Conclui-se com esse estudo, que o fato de jogar em casa, apresenta uma vantagem muito importante para a equipe mandante, aumentando as chances de vitória, e que para uma equipe ter chance de título, precisa ter um aproveitamento alto de pontos conquistados nos jogos em casa.

    • português

      The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of the local factor on the results of the Catarinense Soccer Championship games. As research data, the results of 367 games from the First division of the Catarinense Soccer Championship, between 2016 and 2019, were selected. Data were collected through electronic summaries, available on the Santa Catarina Soccer Federation website, and then tabulated in a program database in Microsoft Excel, where a descriptive statistical analysis was performed. To calculate the advantage of playing at home, it was used the Pollard method, which considers that there is an advantage when there is more than 50% performance at home. The study results showed that from the games analyzed, the home teams won 172, tied 101 and lost 94, resulting in performance of 56.04 points earned. When analyzing the Champion teams campaign from each year, a similar advantage was observed, with values varying from 70 to 80%. It is concluded with this study that the fact of playing at home represents a very important advantage for the home team, increasing the chances of victory, and, for a team to have a chance of winning, it’s important to earn many points at home games.

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