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Resumen de Il «ius Quiritium» concesso ai Latini Iuniani e la liberazione di Flavio Giuseppe: brevi spunti di riflessione

Emanuele Bisio

  • This study considers the granting of the ius Quiritium to the Iunian Latins. These freedmen could receive it from the emperor. The name of the beneficiaries was transcribed in special commentaries. The first part of the study explores its content by comparing it with the commentarius civitate Romana donatorum preserved in the so-called Tabula Banasitana. The contents of the register simplified perhaps the identification of the law concerning the Latin freedman after that a Traian’s constitution (Gai. Inst. 3.72), later mitigated by Hadrian’s provision (Gai., inst. 3.73), imposed to the Junian Latin, beneficiary of the civitas Romana invito vel ignorante patrono, to make a will only in favour of the patron and eventually name a substitute. The second part of the study examines the liberation of Flavius Josephus. During his imprisonment Vespasian enchained him and, once proclaimed emperor, freed him. His son Titus interceded so that the historian did not assume the status of libertus dediticius. Therefore a manumissio inter amicos was carried out and Josephus obtained the tria nomina of his manomissor. Only once he returned to Rome with Titus, Vespasian granted him the civitas Romana.

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