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Resumen de Estudio preliminar del cerro del castillo de Montefrío (Granada)

Rafael Moreno Guerrero, Luis José García Pulido

  • The castle of Montefrío (Granada) was one of the fortresses that formed the last line of defense of the Nasrid kingdom. After its surrender, in 1486, the castle served as a Castilian border stronghold until the fall of the Nasrid capital, Granada, six years later, which put an end to the Christian conquest of al-Andalus. This work tries to analyze the evolution of the hill were the castle is, from the implantation of the Nasrid fortress to the present day, through the continuous transformations from a citadel, a military fortress, a church and, today, a centre of interpretation. This place is a territorial and landscape landmark that has shaped the environment of Montefrío and has been a key piece in its history and in its urban development. The study focuses on the analysis of the evolution of the constructive techniques developed by the Nasrid and the Castilian for the defense of this stronghold, through the archaeological remains preserved in the site. The preliminary study of this castle is a starting point for a deeper investigation that will be extended to other fortresses in the mountainous region between Córdoba and Granada. The study of the castle of Montefrío is therefore a methodological approach that will serve as the basis for a more extensive territorial research.

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