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Resumen de Pensamento Económico na Idade Média

Alfredo Santiago Culleton, Marlo do Nascimento

  • This article aims to present the guiding ideas of some medieval theologians, among many, who have been urged to work on a theme so delicate and necessary for human life in society and salvation as Economy. It will be seen that the issues of political economy in this period of the history of philosophy were discussed within the framework of moral theology. In order to be more objective since it is an article, we will restrict this research to the question of just price and value. In this article we try to demonstrate how the discussion among the question of value and fair price were present in the literature of the medieval philosophical tradition and prepare the way for a whole generation of intellectuals who, from the School of Salamanca, will carry on a fair price theory of Aristotelian matrix of major relevance in the history of economical ideas.

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