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Resumen de Pensare Dio al di là dell’essere: Sulla “svolta teologica” della fenomenologia francese

Antonio Di Chiro

  • The aim of this work is to demonstrate how, within what the French philosopher Dominique Janicaud called “the theological turn” of French phenomenology, there was a singular theoretical upheaval consisting in the attempt to think of God beyond the being. We will therefore try, going beyond Janicaud’s interpretation and discourse, to show how within this turn there has been an attempt to think of God independently of ontology and to inaugurate, starting from Heidegger, a discourse on the divine who freed himself from the dimension of being and which, taken up by Emmanuel Lévinas and Jean Luc Marion, ended up producing a singular methodological and theoretical twist of phenomenology, which, opening itself to theology, seems to have lost the Husserlian character of rigorous science.

Fundación Dialnet

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