Chamaida Inés Tabares Márquez, María Inmaculada González Pérez
Con el fin de que la cooperación interuniversitaria contribuya al desarrollo del mundo y particularmente de África y Canarias, este trabajo profundiza en la visión de los protagonistas de los procesos de cooperación entre la Universidad de La Laguna (ULL) (España) y la Universidad de Cabo Verde (UniCV) (Cabo Verde) desde 2015 hasta 2019.Para ello, se contó con la colaboración de informantes clave de ambas universidades: cargos de responsabilidad, docentes y personal de administración.Los resultados presentados se alcanzaron por medio de un estudio comparativo de carácter cualitativo sobre sus concepciones de la cooperación internacional y la cooperación interuniversitaria al desarrollo. La visión de estos agentes respecto a la puesta en prácticas de estos conceptos claves, también fue objeto de análisis. Se hallaron perspectivas a veces enfrentadas, a veces complementarias, en función de todas las variables investigadas.
In order for interuniversity cooperation to contribute to the development of the world and particularly of Africa and the Canary Islands, this work deepens into the vision of the protagonists of the cooperation processes between the University of La Laguna (ULL) (Spain) and the University of Cape Verde (UniCV) (Cape Verde) from 2015 to 2019. For this, we had the collaboration of key informants from both universities. Who do hold positions of responsibility, as Lecturers, management...The results presented were achieved through a qualitative comparative study on their conceptions of international cooperation and interuniversity cooperation for development. The vision of these agents regarding the implementation of these key concepts, was also analysed. Sometimes con-flicting, sometimes complementary perspectives were found in relation to all the vari-ables taken into consideration. Particularly in relation to the position of responsibility of the people who were interviewed and the Universities to where they belong to. Their proposals for improving interuniversity cooperation for development have been espe-cially valued under a prospective vision. As they are trying to offer new possibilities to universities. Which, furthermore, are committed to a common future of the planet.
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