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Resumen de Determination of thresholds for storm impacts

Ó. Ferreira, L.P. Almeida, B. Rodrigues, Ana Matias

  • Storms are responsible for important erosion, coastal retreat and damage when infrastructures are placed within their acting area. The characterisation of storm parameters and associated thresholds for erosion and damage are the-refore of fundamental importance for coastal management purposes. This work presents ways of determining thresholds for important morphological changes (including erosion), overwash occurrence and damage associate to storm oc-currence. These methods were tested and applied to Ancão Peninsula (South Portugal) and the results shown. The use of these approaches will enable coas-tal managers to have a quantitative knowledge of consequences associated to each particular storm and to act accordingly, for instance defining set-back lines, designing nourishments or implementing evacuation plans

Fundación Dialnet

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