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Resumen de Vida urbana, heterogeneidad cultural y desigualdades sociales: el estudio en México de los sectores urbanos populares

Patricia Safa Barraza

  • Facing the influence of the explanations about the popular culture (that is to say. the practices and beliefs that belong to the people) and of the theoretical incapability to understand the change processes which characterize our society as well as its complexity. Safa proposes in this article to formulate new questions and points of view that can explain the cultural phenomena in big cities. analysing the processes which lead the people to solve their needs. according with certain objective conditions that the city offers. In this way. she points his attention in two fundamental aspects: the fissures of the paradigmes and the search of new roads from the homogeneous to the diversity of the practices; and the analysis of urban life for the study of cities of multiple history. acceses and uses. For the author. these subjects are the main challenges that the antropological research faces in big cities like Mexico City.

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