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Resumen de An analysis on the amateur athlete opinions towards coach behaviors

Selçuk Buğdaycı

  • The main purpose of this study was to reveal how amateur athletes assess coach behavior, which is thought to contributes significantly to sportive performance and success. The research sample comprise individuals who are active individual sportsmen and team members in Konya for 2019. A total of 23 branches were included in the interviews. different branches such as basketball, field hockey, football, handball, and volleyball from team sports, and athletics, badminton, cycling, wrestling, weightlifting, judo, table tennis, taekwondo, tennis, and swimming from individual sports. The research sample comprises randomly selected amateur athletes recruited on a voluntary basis. A total of 773 athletes (578 male, 195 female) were recruited. The average sample age was determined as 16.83±2.59 for males, and 17.41±3.24 for females. The study has a descriptive design. This study is a descriptive attempt to examine the amateur athlete views on the evaluation of coach behavior. The athletes were recruited voluntarily from the active athletes in Konya province in 2019. The data collection utilized in this study was developed by Cote et al. (1999) and adapted to Turkish by Yapar and İnce (2014) under the title “Coach Behavior Assessment Scale for Athletes.” The t-test, analysis of variance, and correlation analysis were performed for the data analysis through the SPSS 20.0 program. It was determined that the amateur athletes evaluated the coach behaviors positively. Individual sports had higher positivity rates than team sports in the physical training and planning, technical skills, mental preparation, target setting, and competition strategy sub-dimensions. Moreover, females evaluated the coach behaviors more positively in the physical training and planning dimensions. It was found that the coach behavior assessments are more positive with higher age, less sports experience, higher planning, preparation, and strategies of the trainers to improve their competition and training skills as even some negative coach behaviors are assessed more positively with higher sportive experience.

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