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Resumen de El nuncio Federico Borromeo y la caída del padre Nithard (1668–69)

Luis Antonio Ribot García

  • español

    El artículo estudia la intervención del nuncio de Clemente IX, Federico Borromeo, como mediador en la crisis política que supuso la salida de la corte y de España del jesuita Everardo Nithard, confesor y favorito de la reina Mariana de Austria, al final del primer periodo de la regencia de Carlos II, en los años 1668 y 1669. La correspondencia de Borromeo que se conserva en el Archivio Apostolico Vaticano y la cada vez más amplia bibliografía existente llevan al autor a revisar el análisis de aquellos acontecimientos en los que, junto a la oposición de importantes sectores cortesanos, tuvo un importante protagonismo don Juan de Austria, hermano bastardo de Carlos II.

  • English

    This article is focused on the intervention of Clement IX’s nuncio, Federico Borromeo, as mediator in the political crisis provoked by the expulsion of the Jesuit John Everard Nithard from the Spanish court and territories. Nithard was the confessor and favourite of the widow-queen Mariana of Austria during her first period as regent for her son, King Charles II, between the years 1668 and 1669. Both Borromeo’s correspondence, kept in the Vatican Archivio Apostolico (former Vatican Secret Archives) and the growing bibliography regarding this topic have encouraged the author to review the traditional analysis of those events in which don John of Austria, Charles II’s illegitimate brother, had a very important role, as well as the opposition to the Austrian confessor of prominent members of the Court.

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