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Resumen de Assessing Chemical Safety Knowledge of University Students─A Case Study

Xiaoyan Wang, Yao Zhang, Qiuying Wu, Xinglong Jin

  • This essay assessed the chemical safety knowledge of students in the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Tianjin University of Technology, concerning chemical storage, heat operation, waste disposal, and emergency response. The results show that students’ familiarity and understanding of safety knowledge is not satisfactory, especially in the waste disposal and emergency response. In addition, the significant difference is also found among different subgroups (gender, major, and academic year). Therefore, in the following work, the analytical experimental courses incorporate online and offline safety education into the teaching design for first-year undergraduates. Prudent and continuous safety training is expected to be routinely provided for all undergraduates and postgraduates in the future.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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