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Resumen de El teatro escolar colonial al servicio teopolítico del imperio en El amar su propia muerte de Espinosa Medrano

Jorge Luis Yangali Vargas

  • One of the most important aims of the viceregal literate community was to contribute to the theological construction and installation of the Virgin Mary in the imagination of the American population. As we see in El amar su propia muerte, dramatist Espinosa Medrano put his pen at the service of this purpose, employing the discursive genres of his time. My analisis of this comedic text focuses on two characters: Barac and Jael. The latter, the socalled Doctor Sublime, brings together recognizable and identifiable Marian codes common to peninsular and creole subjects as well as to the Cuzco indigenous population. With a certain amount of dramatic license, El amar su propia muerte reproduces the biblical story and at the same time highlights the active role and ingenuity of Jael by casting her as the Virgin in the resolution of local conflicts.

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