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Adeguamento della cooperazione mutualistica ai nuovi scenari del mercato assicurativo marittimo: brevi riflessioni sul modello dei protection & indemnity clubs

  • Autores: Antonio Maurizio d'Orta
  • Localización: Rivista del diritto commerciale e del diritto generale delle obbligazioni, ISSN 0035-5887, Nº. 3, 2021
  • Idioma: italiano
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • Brief considerations on P&I Clubs according to Italian legal system
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  • Resumen
    • English

      Directive 20/2009/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 introduced the obligation for shipowners and charterers to sign an insurance or warranty for maritime claims. Protection & Indemnity Clubs are mutual association providing coverage for their shipowner and charterer members against risks which are not insured in the rest of the marine insurance market. After paying specific attention to the benefits offered by Protection and Indemnity Club the essay proposes to get inspiration from Protection and Indemnity Club’s organizational system in order to update the mutual insurance company regulated by Italian legal system.

    • italiano

      1. L’impianto di garanzie assicurative approntato dai Protection & In- demnity Clubs. – 2. Modalità di ingresso al P&I Club: selezione incentrata su criteri reputazionali e sistemi di risk management. – 3. Discrepanza tra il principio della porta aperta e le modalità di accesso al P&I Club. – 4. Indagine sulla natura giuridica dei P&I Clubs e analisi in chiave comparativa con i modelli societari di stampo mutualistico predisposti dal nostro ordinamento. – 5. Conclusioni

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