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Resumen de Linfoma de burkitt como adenopatía axilar en un paciente inmunosuprimido

Hélio Martins, David Paiva, Margarida Cerqueira, Jorge Cotter

  • Burkitt lymphoma is derived from germinal or post-germinal center B cells and is a highly aggressive B cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma that represents <1 percent of adult non-Hodgkin lymphomas. The authors describe the case of a 63 years old Caucasian male, with history of human immunodeficiency virus infection, latent syphilis and varicella zoster infection on the left limb (L3 dermatome) who came to the emergency department with a palpable left axillary mass with three weeks evolution accompanied with vesicles 48 hours after. He reported a history of anorexia and weight loss on the past 3 months.

    Complete blood count was within normal range but was observed a fivefold elevation of lactate dehydrogenase and a CD4 count <200cells/microL. The histology of the adenopathic axillar conglomerate made the diagnosis of Burkitt lymphoma but, besides all efforts, the patient ended to die before starting a regimen of chemotherapy

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