Se estudian 75 pacientes de los cuales 23 se diagnosticaron de meningitis bacteriana, 17 de meningitis supuestamente bacteriana, 2 de meningitis tuberculosa , 3 de meningitis supuestamente tuberculosa y 5 de meningitis aséptica ; los L.C.R. de 25 pacientes ingresados para practica de mielografía se utilizan como controles El ácido láctico es medido al ingreso del paciente y periódicamente hasta su curación.
The usefulness of determination of latic acid concentration in cerebrospinal fluid (C.S.F.) for differentiation of the various types of meningitis is evaluated. Seventy five patients were studied, 23 of them diagnosed of bacterial meningitis, 17 of supposed by bacterial meningitis, 2 of tuberculous meningitis, 3 of supposed by tuberculous meningitis, and 5 of aseptic meningitis. The C.S.F. of 25 patients admitted for myelographic study, were used as controls. Lactic acid determinations were done on admission and periodically until discharge.
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