Vich, España
Tarragona, España
Aquest estudi analitza, a través de docu-mentació notarial, eclesiàstica i privada, les diferents estratègies que van seguir una tren-tena de vídues benestants, majoritàriament amb fills, per mantenir la família, protegir el patrimoni i conservar el nivell de vida des-prés de la mort del marit. Algunes es torna-ren a casar poc després d'enviduar i d'altres van fer-ho al cap de bastants anys, però la majoria no va contraure segones núpcies. La pèrdua del marit comportava un canvi radi-cal en les seves vides que per a algunes va significar la possibilitat de dirigir soles el seu propi destí o reorientar la seva vocació. Tam-bé s'analitzarà l'opinió d'alguns moralistes coetanis sobre el comportament que s'espe-rava de les dones quan perdien l'espòs.
This study makes uses of legal documents, Church papers and other private sources to in-vestigate the various strategies that 30 different wealthy widows with children employed in order to protect their assets and to maintain their families and standards of living after the death of their husbands. Some returned to the homes of their families of origín shortly after being widowed, while others did so many years later. Most never remarried. The loss of a spouse brought with it radical changes in the lives of these women, although for some of them it means an opportunity to take control of their own destinies or to find new vocations. The article also analyses the opinions of some moralists of the period as to the behaviour ex-pected of women who had lost their husbands.
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