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Resumen de El lenguaje nacionalista de una élite Las Pláticas de Arquitectura de 1933

Johanna Lozoya

  • español

    En 1933, año en que se celebraron las Pláticas de Arquitectura entre la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad Nacional, recientemente autónoma y la novísima Escuela Superior de Construcción del Instituto Politécnico, las preguntas culturales que sobre tradición y nacionalismo se habían debatido a lo largo de medio siglo, se han politizado de manera radical y dividido a un gremio que había logrado mantenerse más o menos unido ideológicamente durante casi un siglo a través dela Escuela Nacional de Arquitectura.

  • English

    In the 1930´s, cultural questions about tradition and nationalism that had been debated for over half a century, had radically been politicized. This attitude had divided the architectural guild, that had been kept more or less united ideologically for almost a century through the National School of Architecture. At the academical meeting called Pláticas de Arquitectura tension within the guild goes beyond each other’s loyalties to the University or to the State: the politicization of the questions in Pláticas meets not only a generational change, or at least not only, but also a cultural crisis within this guild which is transforming into a major political player in the cultural and economic projects of the Mexican state. A player who, paradoxically, in the early twenty-first century, still imagines nation and modernity from the ideological nationalism and indigenous racial point of view of the thirties.

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