Alejandra Barrionuevo, Jéssica Cornelio, Cecilio Barba Capote, Cynthia Ramos
Aislamos la proteína por su punto isoeléctrico, cuantificar, caracterizar y someterlas a estudios de digestión in vitro. Tomando en cuenta 4 tipos de muestras para comprobar, a medida que pase el tiempo las proteínas se conservan o se pierden. Huevos recolectados a las 12 horas después de la postura mostraron que poseían un valor proteico de 87.22%, huevos de 24 horas 87,80%, huevos de 48 horas 86.26% y huevos 72 horas recolectados después de la postura 90.28%, demostrándonos que el huevo de codorniz tiene un alto valor proteico comparado con el huevo de gallina. En la caracterización proteica a través de electroforesis SDS-PAGE, pudimos evaluar los tipos de proteína que este producto posee tomando en cuenta que se aisló lisozima y ovomucina por lo que en este estudio sus bandas casi son inexistente. Ovotransferrina (77kDa), Avidin (65-69ka), Ovoglobulina G3 (50-55 kDa), Ovoalbúmina (39 kDa) y fracciones de Lisozima (12kDa), observadas en todas las muestras estudiadas por ende estas proteínas se conservan si no son sometidas a cambios bruscos de temperatura mayores de 50°C y menores de 25°C. Por lo tanto para la simulación del proceso gastrointestinal in vitro se utilizaron enzimas como la pepsina, pancreatina y sales biliares, preparándolas a distintos pHs y simular el estómago de una persona que padece problemas gastrointestinales pH 1.2 estómago de una persona adulta sana pH 2.0 y niño no lactante pH 3.2; determinamos que las proteínas del huevo de codorniz son totalmente digeridas a pH 1.2 y a pH 3.2 la proteína ovotranferrina y ovoalbúmina presentan inconvenientes para su digerido total.
We isolate the protein by its isoelectric point, quantify, characterize and subject them to in vitro digestion studies. Taking into account 4 types of samples to check as time passes the proteins are preserved or lost. Eggs collected at 12 hours after laying showed that they had a protein content of 87.22%, eggs collected at 24 hours after laying 87.80%, eggs collected at 48 hours after laying 86.26 % and eggs collected at 72 hours after laying 90.28% showing that the quail egg has a high protein value compared to the chicken egg. In the protein characterization through SDS-PAGE electrophoresis, we were able to evaluate the types of protein that this product has taking into account that lysozyme and ovomucine were isolated, so in this study their bands are almost non-existent. Ovotransferrin (77kDa), Avidin 65-69ka), Ovoglobulin G3 (50-55 kDa), Ovalbumin (39 kDa) and Lysozyme fractions (12kDa), observed in all the samples studied, therefore these proteins are conserved if they are not subjected to Sudden temperature changes greater than 50 ° C and less than 25 ° C. Therefore, for the simulation of the gastrointestinal process in vitro enzymes such as pepsin, pancreatin and bile salts were used, preparing them at different pHs and simulating the stomach of a person suffering from gastrointestinal problems pH 1.2 stomach of a healthy adult person pH2, 0 and non-infant child pH3,2; We determined that quail egg proteins are fully digested at pH 1.2 and at pH 3.2, ovotranferrin and ovalbumin protein have problems for their total digestion
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