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Introducción: ¿El viaje forzado? Estudios en torno a la migración en las literaturas española y latinoamericana

  • Autores: Juan Pedro Martín Villarreal, Claudia Lora Márquez
  • Localización: Artifara: Revista de lenguas y literaturas ibéricas y latinoamericanas, ISSN-e 1594-378X, Nº. 21, 1, 2021
  • Idioma: español
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • español

      El viaje, ya sea fruto de la necesidad o el deseo, se ha convertido en una actividad indispensable para el ser humano, a veces para garantizar su supervivencia, otras para saciar el espíritu nómada que siempre le acompañó. La migración, por tanto, es un fenómeno común a todas las sociedades: el tránsito entre diferentes pueblos ha conformado la identidad de los mismos, los ha hecho plurales a la vez que conscientes de sus diferencias, y ha permitido que, por medio de este proceso dinámico, la mezcolanza de culturas haya dado como resultado otras nuevas. El modo en el que nos acercamos al tema de la migración y el viaje en este monográfico es amplio en cuanto a su conceptualización, pues los trabajos que lo componen se ocupan tanto de las representaciones literarias del tránsito geográfico como del desplazamiento de ideas resultado de este incesante cruce de fronteras. Al mismo tiempo, se reflexiona sobre el concepto de frontera y sobre su reconceptualización en un mundo que, de forma cada día más evidente, se comprende más allá de los marcos tradicionales de las naciones-estado como una realidad híbrida, transnacional y deslocalizada.

      Travel, whether the result of necessity or desire, has become an indispensable activity for human beings, sometimes to ensure their survival, sometimes to satisfy the nomadic spirit that has always accompanied them. Migration, therefore, is a phenomenon common to all societies: the transit between different peoples has shaped their identity, has made them plural as well as aware of their differences, and has allowed, through this dynamic process, the intermingling of cultures to give rise to new ones. The way in which we approach the subject of migration and travel in this monographical section is broad in its conceptualisation, as the essays that compose it deal with both literary representations of geographical transit and the displacement of ideas resulting from this incessant crossing of borders. At the same time, it reflects on the concept of the border and its reconceptualisation in a world that is increasingly understood beyond the traditional frameworks of nation-states as a hybrid, transnational and delocalised reality.

    • italiano

      Travel, whether the result of necessity or desire, has become an indispensable activity for human beings, sometimes to ensure their survival, sometimes to satisfy the nomadic spirit that has always accompanied them. Migration, therefore, is a phenomenon common to all societies: the transit between different peoples has shaped their identity, has made them plural as well as aware of their differences, and has allowed, through this dynamic process, the intermingling of cultures to give rise to new ones. The way in which we approach the subject of migration and travel in this monographical section is broad in its conceptualisation, as the essays that compose it deal with both literary representations of geographical transit and the displacement of ideas resulting from this incessant crossing of borders. At the same time, it reflects on the concept of the border and its reconceptualisation in a world that is increasingly understood beyond the traditional frameworks of nation-states as a hybrid, transnational and delocalised reality.

        Il viaggio, che sia frutto della necessità o del desiderio, è diventato un'attività indispensabile per gli esseri umani, a volte per garantire la loro sopravvivenza, a volte per soddisfare lo spirito nomade che li ha sempre accompagnati. La migrazione, dunque, è un fenomeno comune a tutte le società: il transito tra popoli diversi ha plasmato la loro identità, li ha resi plurali e consapevoli delle loro differenze, e ha permesso, attraverso questo processo dinamico, che la mescolanza delle culture desse origine a nuove. Il modo in cui affrontiamo il tema della migrazione e del viaggio in questo monografico è ampio nella sua concettualizzazione, dato che gli articoli che lo compongono trattano sia le rappresentazioni letterarie del transito geografico sia lo spostamento di idee che risulta da questo incessante attraversamento di frontiere. Allo stesso tempo, riflette sul concetto di confine e sulla sua riconcettualizzazione in un mondo che è sempre più compreso al di là delle cornici tradizionali degli stati nazionali come una realtà ibrida, transnazionale e delocalizzata.

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