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Resumen de O lugar de Paracelso na historia da ciencia

Benito Arbáizar Gil

  • galego

    Este traballo trata de especificar o lugar que lle corresponde a Paracelso dentro da historia da ciencia. Para o cal contraporanse o paradigma aristotélico (contra o que Paracelso loitou), o paradigma hermético (ó cal Paracelso pertencía) e o paradigma matemático (destinado a impoñerse no futuro). Desee xeico, poderemos avaliar mais axeitadamente as concribucións científicas de Paracelso.

  • English

    This study tries co specify the place occupied by Paracelsus in the history of science. We are going to do so by contrasting the tradicional Aristotelical paradigm (the pase againsc which Paracelsus fought), che hermetic paradigm (the one to which Paracelsus belonged) and the machematical paradigm (the one bound to be succesful in the future). This way, we'll be able to evaluare Paracelsus' scientific concributions more clearly

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