Aitor Bengoetxea Alkorta, Enekoitz Etxezarreta Etxarri
The 8th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) supports well-known deep-seated socio-economic concepts that seek to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. In this article we have tried to read these main concepts, distinguishing four sections (sustained economic growth; employment and work; full employment, and decent work). Our assessment has been very critical. In terms of sustained economic growth, it moves in the classical paradigm, around Gross Domestic Prod-uct and per capita income. with these tools it is unlikely that the current destructive economic model will be redirected towards a sustainable economy, eliminating poverty, as the goal says. Per capita income is a very limited measure, it does not serve to measure inequality and poverty. As an alternative to per capita income, we would propose the Human Development Index, which is not recognized by 8th GIH. when it comes to full employment, unless the current liberal model changes, as employment is a productive factor in the economic sphere rather than a basic hu-man right, we are unlikely to move towards full employment, we are going in the opposite direction. Decent work is a desirable goal, but while the working conditions of workers are decided within the logic of the market, we are not going to achieve decent work, as history has shown us clearly enough. After all, the employment and labor goals of the GIH are well written, but we do not see a firm political will in their favor and le-gal measures of that size.
Garapen Iraunkorrerako 8. Helburuak (GIH) aski ezagunak diren kontzeptu sozioekonomiko sakonen alde egiten du, guztiontzako sustatu nahian hazkunde ekonomiko jarraitua, inklusiboa eta jasangarria, enplegu betea eta produktiboa eta lan duina. Artikulu honetan, kontzeptu nagusi horien irakurketa egiten saiatu gara, lau atal desberdinduz: hazkunde ekonomiko jarraitua, enplegua eta lana, enplegu betea, eta lan duina. Gure balorazioa oso kritikoa izan da. Hazkunde ekonomiko jarraituari dagokionez, paradigma klasikoan mugitzen da, Barne Produktu Gordinaren eta per capita errentaren inguruan. Tresna horiekin nekez birbideratuko da egungo eredu ekonomiko suntsitzailea ekonomia jasangarri baterantz eta nekez ezabatuko da pobrezia, helburuak dioen moduan. Per capita errenta neurtzaile oso mugatua da: ez du balio desberdintasunak eta pobrezia neurtzeko. Per capita errentaren alternatiba gisa, Giza Garapearen Indizea proposatuko genuke, baina 8. GIHak ez du aintzat hartu. Enplegu beteari dagokionez, egungo eredu liberala aldatu ezean, enplegua esparru ekonomikoko faktore produktiboa izanik oinarrizko giza eskubide bat baino gehiago, nekez joko dugu enplegu beterantz: kontrako norabidean goaz. Lan duina helburu desiragarria da, baina, langileen lan-baldintzak merkatu-logikaren barruan erabakitzen diren bitartean, ez dugu lan duinik lortuko, historiak aski argi erakutsi digun bezala. Azken finean, GIHen enplegu- eta lan-helburuak ondo idatzita daude, baina haien aldeko borondate politiko irmorik eta horren tamainako neurri juridikorik ez dugu ikusten.
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