2015ean, Nazio Batuen Erakundeak Garapen Iraunkorrerako 17 helburu ezarri zituen, planeta osorako, hots, etorkizun jasangarriago bat lortzeko bide-orria. Helburuak 2030. urtera arteko plan gauzagarri bat iradokitzeko asmoarekin jaio ziren, planeta eta espezie gisa gure aurrean ditugun erronka guztiei erantzuteko: 2030erako Agenda Unibertsala. Haien artean, 14. helburua, itsaspeko bizitzarena, zeharkakoenetako bat da, itsasoek gure planetako biziaren garapenerako espazioaren % 99 osatzen duten heinean. Bizia itsasoan sortu zen, eta bertan topatu zuen ostatua eta garatzeko zein eboluzionatzeko bidea. Eta, «hauts hartatikan uste gabean noizbait ginaden gu ernai» abestiaren hitzak nolabait gaiari ekarriz, itsasotik noizbait lehorreratuko ziren izaki bizidun batzuk. Gure giza fluidoetan eta odoleko gatz-kontzentrazioan gelditzen da kresal haren arrastoa. Ozeanoak dira planetaren ezaugarri nabarmenena: Lurraren ia hiru laurdenak estaltzen dituzte. Ozeanoak funtsezkoak dira Lurraren iraupenerako, hots, Lurraren arnas sistema dira. Itsas fitoplanktonak bizitzarako oxigenoaren % 50 sortzen du, eta karbono dioxidoaren % 30 xurgatzen. Ozeanoek klima eta tenperatura erregulatzen dituzte, eta planeta bizia jasotzeko gai bihurtzen dute era askotako bizimoduetarako. Hala ere, 14. helburuaren xedea lortzeko asmotan, Ozeanoen Osasun Indizeak eta Garapen Iraunkorrerako Txostenak iradoki dute ez goazela bide onetik. Horrela, Nazio Batuen erakundeak «Garapen Iraunko- rrerako Zientzia Ozeanikoen Hamarkada» izendatu du 2021-2030eko tartea. Horretan, garrantzitsuak izango dira itsas ikerketako azpiegituretan —besteak beste, Plentziako Itsas Estazioan (PiE-UPV/EHUn)— ikertzen diharduten zientzialari, teknikari eta ikasleak.
In 2015, the United Nations established 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), launching a roadmap for a more sustainable future of our planet. The objectives were born aimed at suggesting a feasible plan until 2030, which would respond to all the challenges we face as a planet and species: the Universal Agenda for 2030. Among them, SDG 14, that of life bellow water, can be considered one of the most transversal, since the oceans represent 99% of the space where life thrives in this planet. Life was initiated at sea, where living organisms found accommodation and a place to develop and evolve. From there some living beings would disembark on land and “and once upon a time from such dust unwillingly, we were born”, bringing somehow the words of the song to our subject. Like us, the trace of this salt water remains in our fluids and in the solute concentration in our blood. The oceans are the main feature of the planet, as they cover almost three quarters of the Earth and are fundamental to its survival. The seas are the Earth's respiratory system: marine phytoplankton produces 50% of the oxygen for life and absorbs 30% of the world's carbon dioxide. The oceans regulate climate and temperature, making the planet habitable for very diverse forms of life. However, the analyses carried out on SDG 14, the Ocean Health Index and the Sustainable Development Report, suggest that we are not addressing its objectives very well in order to achieve the goal for 2030. More knowledge is needs and therefore the United Nations has declared that the decade 2021-2030 will be the “Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development”. The scientists, technicians and students that carry out research in marine research infrastructures such as the Plentzia Marine Station (PiE-UPV/EHU) will be relevant for the next decade.
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