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Resumen de Quel Califat à l’époque moderne? Politique, géographie et identité chez les figures de la renaissance islamique: XIXème-XXème siècles

Mohamed-Ali Adraoui

  • This article deals with how the caliphal entity was conceptualized and defended among the main figures of the Islamic renaissance of the late XIXth century and the beginning of the XXth century. By looking at the writings and positions of four of the main theoreticians of the Islamic renaissance, it is possible to observe, behind the generality of the slogans and the common desire to revive an “authentic” caliphate, a plurality of visions, sometimes competing or even contradictory. The geographical, political and identity dimensions relating to the caliphal design defended by each of these figures offer, in fact, as many elements to take the measure of the astonishing modernity of the caliphate as theorized at that time

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