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Resumen de The audiovisual ontology to the test

Fabio Vittorini

  • Since the late 1960s the cinematogiraphic language has been marked by therecurrent outpouring of two drives. A drive to disintegrate the narrative structureby replacing chronological time, which is homogeneous, irreversible, q_uantitativeand calculable, with existential time, which is unextended, indivisible, q_ualitative,heterogeneous, non-measurable and reversible. A drive to dissolve the diegeticand extradiegetic voices by concealing or deleting their sources, by dissociatingthem from the bodies they belong to and from the individualities they embody,by multiplying their reverberations. Th•ese drives push image and sound toward adivorce, toward a sort of «acousmatic» cinema which q_uestionstheontology andinnocence of its audio-visual technologies, exposing the ideology and dogmatismthat have transformed the union of sound and image into religion

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