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Resumen de Reflections on the sociopolitical performance in Galicia of returned emigrants from Cuba (1900-1936)

Raúl Soutelo Vázquez

  • English

    In the Galicia of the first third of the past century, the remesas sent by the emigrants in Cuba, the economic development and the sindical and political activism of the habaneros returned contributed to the modernization of the sociedade rural during the first third of the past century. Those cubans reversed in innovative economic activities and took part in the mobilization antiforal and anticaciquil of the agricultural societies in the 1910s. After they were conserved and some finished supporting to the CEDA during the Second Republic or being a member of Falange Spanish. They also assumed places of local power during the postwar period. This is demonstrated in the microanalysis investigations carried out in different Galician municipalities that we deal with in this study.

  • galego

    As remesas da emigración galega en Cuba, o emprendemento económico e o activismo sindical e político dos habaneiros retornados a Galicia resultaron fundamentais para a modernización da sociedade rural e vilega no primeiro terzo do século pasado. Eses cubanos investiron en actividades económicas innovadoras e participaron na mobilización antiforal e anticaciquil das sociedades agrarias na década de 1910. Conservadurizáronse na seguinte e algúns deles acabaron apoiando a CEDA durante a Segunda República ou militando en Falanxe e asumindo postos de poder local durante a posguerra como demostran os resultados das microanálises realizadas en diversos concellos que se utilizan nesta achega.


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