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Resumen de The Writing of university students in a Venezuela in crisis

Sandra Maurera Caballero

  • español

    La investigación presenta la competencia escrituraria de jóvenes universitarios venezolanos considerando la situación extra-académica y académica que le circunda. Es cualitativa y descriptiva, fundamentada en una investigación de campo que se llevó a cabo en 2018 en la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, núcleo Caracas con 37 estudiantes que cursaban el primer semestre de las carreras Comunicación Social, Psicología y Educación. Se efectuó en tres fases desarrolladas durante 15 semanas: diagnóstico, intervención y constatación de cambios en la escritura. Concluye que hubo avances en las nociones pragmáticas o factores que deben considerarse en momentos previos a la escritura y durante el proceso en sí referido a aspectos metacognitivos, cognitivos y axiológicos. Se sugiere que se continúe trabajando en todos esos aspectos para que haya consolidación de lo logrado y no involución.

  • English

    The goal of this investigation is to present the writing competence of Venezuelan college students considering the particular academic and extra-academic situations it is going through and surrounded by. This is a qualitative and descriptive study, based on a field research that took place in Caracas at the Andrés Bello Catholic University (UCAB) during 2018. 37 students enrolled in the first semester of either the Mass Communication, Psychology, or Education majors were the subjects of the mentioned groundwork. This investigation was realized in a period of 15 weeks total, divided in three phases: diagnostic, intervention and verification of changes in writing. In conclusion, there were advances in pragmatic notions or factors that must be considered in moments prior to writing and during the process itself, referring to metacognitive, cognitive and axiological aspects. It is suggested to continue working on all these aspects in order to achieve the consolidation of what has been achieved, preventing or reducing the chances of regression.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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