Barcelona, España
El ciclisme de carretera és un dels esports més antics i una de les primeres disciplines esportives que es van professionalitzar. El ciclisme professional de carretera té unes peculiaritats pròpies, tant pel que fa la competició —és un esport individual practicat per equips— com pel que fa a l’estructura organitzativa i de finançament, amb les principals curses organitzades per empreses privades i equips dependents del seu patrocinador. I, no obstant això, la literatura acadèmica hi ha prestat ben poca atenció. No ha estat fins a començament del segle xxi que han començat a publicar-se’n estudis. Aquest article pretén deduir si la lliga mundial semitancada que ha promogut la Unió Ciclista Internacional (UCI) des del 2005 ha aconseguit l’objectiu de globalitzar l’esport i quin paper hi han fet les diferents parts interessades (stakeholders) que hi intervenen.
Road cycling is one of the oldest sports and one of the first sports disciplines to have been professionalized. Professional road cycling, in particular, has its own peculiarities: in terms of competition, it is an individual sport practiced by teams, and in terms of organizational structure and funding, the main races are organized by private companies and by teams dependent on their sponsors. However, academic literature has paid little attention to it. It was not until the beginning of the 21st century that studies began to be published. This paper seeks to determine whether the semi-closed world league promoted by the International Cycling Union (UCI) since 2005 has achieved its goal of globalizing the sport and what role the different stakeholders have played in it.
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