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Resumen de The association between recall of historical events and well-being

Lander Méndez Casas, Stefano Cavalli, José J. Pizarro, Saioa Telletxea Artzamendi, Pablo Castro Abril, Sonia Padoan, Darío Páez Rovira

  • español

    Este estudio explora la relación de los acontecimientos socio-históricos recordados con el bienestar. Su objetivo es conocer el contenido del recuerdo histórico y el modo en que se asocia a este constructo. Se aplicó la escala de bienestar recordado PHI, que tiene facetas hedónicas, eudaimónicas o psicológicas y social, y el instrumento CEVI, que pide describir cuatro eventos históricos relevantes durante la vida de la persona, a una muestra por conveniencia del País Vasco (N = 434, rango 20–88 años, M = 48.11, DT = 21.47, 59.2% mujeres). Predominan los hechos negativos y de carácter local. La valoración positiva de acontecimientos históricos se relacionó positivamente con el bienestar personal y sus facetas hedónica y social, mientras que la valoración negativa lo hizo a menor bienestar, confirmando la mayor importancia del recuerdo positivo para el bienestar. Se observó una mayor relación del recuerdo de hechos históricos, en particular positivos, con las facetas hedónica y social del bienestar que con el bienestar personal.

  • English

    This study explores the relationship between remembered sociohistorical events and well-being. Its objective is to ascertain the content of historical memory and the way it is associated with this construct. The PHI remembered well-being scale and the CEVI instrument, which asks respondents to describe four relevant historical events during their lifetime, were applied to a convenience sample from the Basque Country (N = 434, range 20–88 years, M = 48.11, SD = 21.47, 59.2% women). Negative and local events predominated. Positive appraisal of historical events was positively associated with personal, hedonic and social well-being, and negative appraisal was positively associated with lower well-being, confirming the greater importance of positive recall in well-being. A stronger relationship between the recall of historical events, particularly positive ones, and the hedonic and social facets of well-being was observed than with personal well-being

Fundación Dialnet

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