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Resumen de Salarios de eficiencia, productividad, competitividad y oportunidades del Acuerdo Comercial con la Unión Europea en el sector agrícola de Cundinamarca - Colombia

Diana Patricia Gutiérrez Mejía, Víctor Hugo Nauzán Ceballos, Yudy Marlen Bonilla Bonilla

  • español

    Este trabajo analiza la conveniencia de incorporar la teoría de Salarios de Eficiencia (SE) como estrategia para acrecentar la competitividad del sector agrícola de Cundina- marca - Colombia, dada la potencialidad del sector y la crisis alimentaria mundial. En principio se determina la probabilidad de existencia de los SE en el sector, partiendo de lo propuesto por Shapiro y Stiglitz (1984) con datos obtenidos de la secretaria de agricultura de Cundinamarca. A partir de los resultados encontrados se propone una estrategia para mejorar la competitividad del sector, fortaleciéndolo con miras a un pro- ceso de internacionalización hacia la Unión Europea (UE).

  • English

    Colombia is one of the countries with more opportunities to grow and contribute to economic development from the agricultural sector given its comparative advantages in terms of land extension and privilege in areas of productive vocation; To this is added the projections of FAO, that by the year 2050, the world population will grow around 9.1 million so that the country can contribute to world food security. Cundinamarca is one of the thirteen departments that make up the Andina Region in Colombia, the position of the region, consolidates it into a strategic node through which products are mobilized that in economic terms represent about 30% of GDP national, situation that represents great possibilities to consolidate the leadership, of the region and the country in the global scene.

    On the other hand, agricultural products represented 12.6% of GDP in 2016 according to the DANE. According to figures from the secretary of agriculture, the department uses only 29.01% of its hectares to farm activity, with a total of 252,907 hectares.

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