Cuenca, Ecuador
In this paper we describe the importance of computational toolsto optimize the efficiency of passenger mobility within an urbannetwork. The main objective is to identify the best route of theurban network to mobilize passengers. For the study, as areference we took a single origin of the routes located at thebus terminal in the center of the city. On the other hand, as adestination we selected random locations in the six farthestneighborhoods, where travel times are longer and moresignificant. On the other hand, the means of urban transportchosen were cabs and motorcycle cabs because they are morein demand by travelers. The data used for development weretravel time, distance, fare, travel frequency and the latitude andlongitude coordinates of the origin and destinations. Amongthe results, the most suitable routes to mobilize travelers wereidentified. These routes were plotted on the respective maps ofthe urban network to motivate the generation of public policies.It was determined that the travel times calculated by thecomputational algorithms differed from those obtained in thedirect surveys of drivers. These differences remain underdiscussion if they are due to the poor state of the roads andconditions of the means of transportation versus the criteria orparameters with which we evaluated in the algorithms.
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