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Resumen de Lo breve en la poesía de Enrique de Rivas

Bernard Sicot

  • español

    Diseminados en la obra poética de Enrique de Rivas, contrastan con sus poemas largos unos cien poemillas, muchos con menos de seis versos. Algunos son de una brevedad y una fuerza sorprendentes, con solo dos o tres versos cortos. Contrariamente a Manuel Durán, otro notable poeta del grupo hispanomexicano cuya obra incluye unos cuatrocientos haikus, De Rivas no les da a sus poemillas la forma del género japonés.

    Este trabajo intenta analizar los recursos temáticos y formales de lo breve en su poesía.

  • English

    Spread across Enrique de Rivas’s poetic work, and in contrast with his long poems, there are about a hundred short verse compositions, many of which consisting of less than six verses. Some of them are surprisingly brief and strong, with only two or three short verses. As opposed to Manuel Durán, another remarkable poet from the Hispanic-Mexican group whose work includes about four hundred haikus, De Rivas does not give his short poems the form of the Japanese genre. The aim of this paper is to analyse the thematic and formal resources of brevity in his poetry.

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