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Resumen de Effect of online education on elementary education in India

Srinidhi Sampath, Vezhaventhan D, Shoba Jasmin K S, Kirubagaran K, Karthikheyan T C, Gopalan K R

  • The mishaps happening in online education can cost a lot to the students who are getting educated by it in many ways. Elementary students particularly suffer immensely in terms of health, safety due to the online mode of education. The education system for young kids is viewed as a sacred stage since it helps in imparting basic knowledge to a human being. Yet, there are many Initiatives to help the problem, but it is still not enough. The objective of this study is to find whether online education is fruitful for the elementary school, and to deduce how many hours is advisable for elementary class, also to find how much health is getting affected, likely also to see if gadgets is advised to provide to the elementary students, lastly to ascertain which mode of education is most preferable for elementary education. Unlike in the case of doctrinal research where the research is conducted on the basis of facts and data already collected in the library, archives and other databases, collecting or gathering information by a first-hand study into the universe, it helps the empirical research to be carried on. There are a total of 1005 samples collected with regard to this study. It was recorded that the majority of the respondents were between the age of 18 to 30, most of them are male, and the respondents have undergraduate qualification majorly, and many do other occupations.  People majorly think that online education for elementary class is average and is not as fruitful as traditional mode, and giving gadgets is not agreed upon, also the hours of study should between 2 to 4 hours, health gets affected very much and with all these aspects say the offline mode is preferable over online for the elementary school students.  Hence, through these figures, we are able to understand that there is not much reception regarding online education for elementary students among the general public but truly they are at a confused level about which mode is truthfully the good one for elementary school students.

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