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Resumen de Comparación de las funciones de inversión entre Ecuador, Chile y Estados Unidos

Tanya Luna, Lethy Minga

  • español

    El objetivo de ésta investigación es examinar el efecto del capital humano en el crecimiento económico en los países de Ecuador, Chile y Alemania en el periodo 1960-2015. Se utilizó datos del World Development Indicators (WDI), elaborado por el Banco Mundial (2016). La variable dependiente es el crecimiento económico y la variable independiente es el capital humano. Los resultados encontrados en esta investigación muestran que el capital humano es estadísticamente no significativo en el caso de Chile y Alemania, resultados contrarios en el caso de Ecuador, sin embargo, explica positivamente las variaciones en la producción para Ecuador, Chile y Alemania. Es por esta razón que se debe poner mayor importancia a la acumulación de capital humano en el crecimiento económico principalmente en Ecuador, y comprobar el modelo de Solow que explica el crecimiento económico (producción) y las variables que inciden en éste. Para explicar mejor el modelo utilizamos las variables de control ahorro, comercio e inflación, y concluimos que la inflación y el comercio son estadísticamente significativos para los tres países, sin embargo, el ahorro solo es estadísticamente significativo para Alemania.

  • English

    The objective of this research is to determine the differences in the investment function between Ecuador, Chile and the United States from 1980 to 2014. We use World Bank Group time series data (2010). In order to fulfill this objective, we have developed different econometric models of the variables that determine the investment, and the results we obtained for Chile and the United States do not agree with the theory proposed by Keynes (1936), because they showed us a relation between the investment and the interest rate. The analysis that we carry out for Ecuador agrees with the theory proposed by Keynes (1936), in which he affirmed that the high interest rates have negative effects on the investment, whereas the production has positive effects on the same one. We add control variables that help us to better explain the model such as savings, inflation, unemployment, taxes (Chile and Ecuador) and natural resources. We analyze the results together with the control variables and find that the interest rate of Ecuador is maintained and the US investment function is in line with the theory of the investment function of Keynes (1936). Our research had limitations because sufficient data were not available so interpolation was performed and the dichotomous variable was added in each of these countries to establish the structural changes that they have undergone. Investment directly influences the development and growth of a country, however, the degree of influence depends on the reality of each country. It is necessary to provide a healthy and stable environment in the economy to attract investment from abroad.

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