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Resumen de Strategic and competitive advantages of the agricultural sector in Querétaro, Mexico

Juan F. Solís-Aguilar, Liceth Cuellar Núñez, Martín Vivancos, Santiago de Jesúa Méndez Gallegos, José Fernando Vasco Leal

  • ABSTRACT Objective: To characterize agricultural production in the state of Querétaro, Mexico, during 2018 in order to provide information that can facilitate business decision-making and lay out public and private strategies for the development of high-value projects in agrifood production.

    Design/Methodology/Approach: The analysis was conducted through bibliometric exploration and collection of statistical data, available on different public-access agrifood statistics information platforms.

    Results: The municipalities of Pedro Escobedo, Colón, San Juan del Río, and El Marqués established grain, vegetable, foraging grass, and rose crops through private sector productive projects with an agribusiness perspective, using available knowledge, technological innovation, and market intelligence.

    Study Limitations/Implications: A lack of information to allow establishing the current agricultural vocation of the state of Queretaro.

    Findings/Conclusions: Based on the perspectives of specialized markets at the national and international level, Querétaro possesses diverse strategic and competitive advantages for the establishment of high-impact agricultural projects.

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