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Resumen de Computer System "CEINCI LAB" as a teaching tool for Seismic-Structural Engineering

Roberto Aguiar Falconí, Brian Jordano Cagua Gómez

  • español

    El Sistema de Computación “CEINCI LAB” lo componen programas y funciones orientadas a resolver problemas de Ingeniería Sísmica-Estructural. En el año 1993 se desarrollaron las funciones iniciales en Fortran, posteriormente se utilizó Visual Basic y en la actualidad se ejecutan mediante MatLab u Octave. Esta herramienta académica facilita el proceso de enseñanza y genera un aprendizaje significativo en los estudiantes. Por esta razón, se emplea como un complemento en clases, con el objetivo de realizar análisis matricial, diseño estructural, análisis lineal y no lineal, dinámica, peligrosidad sísmica, acoplamiento con OpenSees, entre otras aplicaciones en cursos de pregrado y posgrado de Ingeniería Civil. En este artículo, se presenta la evolución del Sistema de Computación “CEINCI LAB”, sus principales funciones y el impacto en los estudiantes. Por otra parte, se expone la experiencia docente sobre su implementación en clases y la utilización en consultorías orientadas a casos reales.

  • English

    The "CEINCI LAB" is an Application Software comprised of algorithms and functions indented for the simulation of the challenges that are specific to complex problems of Seismic-Structural Engineering. In 1993, the original functions were written in Fortran and later, Visual Basic was employed. Currently, the functions are executed using MatLab or Octave. This academic tool enhances the teaching process and achieves an impactful learning for students. For this reason, it is used as a complement in the classroom, with the aim of performing matrix and linear and nonlinear analyses, structural design, dynamics, and seismic hazard assessment, nonlinear analyses thanks to its coupling capabilities with OpenSees. CEINCI LAB holds the promise of varied additional applications for undergraduate and postgraduate Civil Engineering courses. The evolution of the "CEINCI LAB" Software is presented in this article, along with its main functions and their positive impact on students. Additionally, the benefits in the teaching experience stemming from the classroom implementation of the software, as well as its efficacy as a real-cases consultancy tool are highlighted.

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