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Resumen de Supporting students in independent learning of mathematical concepts using screencasts: indicators for instructional design

Catherine McLoughlin

  • Mathematics support centres in Australian universities are now essential and a cost effective e ways to ensue this is to use technology, screencasting to instead of in-person teaching methods. This form of flexible support is strategic and enables students to download resources when academic staff are not always available. In addition, screencasts can be delivered on demand, downloadable at the point of need by students. By enabling earners to decide when, where and how to watch a tutorial, hey are empowered and can learn anyplace, anyhow, anytime. The study takes place in an Australian higher education context and the research problem addressed is how to ensure that students engage in epistemic tasks, such as explaining, critiquing predicting or solving a problem following a screencast of a mathematical problem in an online context. The study used advanced organisers to prompt the students into active learning. Students then evaluated their experience and described the activities they engaged in before and after viewing the screencast. An evaluation questionnaire was used to gather data from students concerning their activities during and following screencasts. Findings showed that screencasts had a positive influence on students’ independent learning and engagement in epistemic tasks as they helped provide focus and scaffolds for more complex cognitive skills.

Fundación Dialnet

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