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Resumen de Revisión del trastorno negativista desafiante (TND).

María Teresa Bartolomé Bueno, Beatriz Miguel Palacios, Noelia Loren Valles, Jennifer López Salas, Laura Aisa Marín, Alfonso Pascual del Riquelme Babé

  • español

    El trastorno Negativista Desafiante (TDN) está dentro del grupo de trastornos externalizadores, son aquellos que se manifiestan en una esfera de conductas que se caracterizan por ser negativistas, en modo destructivo, son agresivas, impulsivas e hiperactivas, presentan problemas de atención dirigidas hacia el exterior para poder generar disconformidad y conflictos en el entorno del paciente.

  • English

    The Negativist Defiant Disorder (NDD) is within the group of externalizing disorders, they are those that manifest themselves in a sphere of behaviors that are characterized by being negativistic, in a destructive way, they are aggressive, impulsive and hyperactive, they present attention problems directed towards the outside to be able to generate disagreement and conflicts in the patient´s environment.

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