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Resumen de Professional socialization of bulgarian teachers in multicultural classes

N. Gerdzhikova

  • Professional socialization is a complex process that is connected on the one hand with adapting to the organization of school activities, and on the other – with the assimilation of values, skills and the development of a sense of belonging to a certain group of people who play a similar role. The purpose of the article is to consider some important social dimensions of the teaching profession, which is practiced in the context of the multicultural classroom. The indicators of professional socialization that will be discussed in the article are related to the following: professional qualification for training students of a specific age, years of work experience as teachers, additional training for working with students in the comprechensive school, strategies to improve the education of students, courses of teaching in multicultural classes, means to improve the educational environment for such students.The article aims to present the data obtained for Bulgaria in the framework of an international comparative study - COST Action IS1401 "Strengthening Europeans ' Capabilities by Establishing the European Literacy Network". In the work of the international team was accepted the understanding of the leader of the action Prof. Rui Alves who points out that literacy is an important prerequisite for participation in social life and for a change in cultural stereotypes.In today's globalised world, the teacher should be increasingly to work with students from different cultures. Families in which they live are not always equil in the social structure of society. Therefore, the basis of modern professionalism should be placed dialogical self theory (Clifton et.al., 2017). In this theory, its activity and development are important prerequisites for the successful implementation of school education.Data from international surveys in each country require interpretation in accordance with its social and cultural conditions. Generalisation of data can lead to unjustified conclusions and form a negative image of any of the national education systems. This report will therefore analyse in detail the strategies, policies and results of their implementation in the teaching of students in multicultural classes in Bulgaria.

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