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Resumen de Auli Persi Flacci saturae X fragmentum nuper repertum

Sonja Schreiner

  • Approximately fifty years ago, a group of young assistants and members of the Insti-tute of Classical Philology, Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies at the University of Viennaelaborated a remarkable forgery, thereby showing their sophistication and creativity. They pretended to have access to the extremely rare fragment of Persius’s 10th satire (including an apparatus criticus, the discovery report and scientific literature on the topic). Actually,every detail (from the ‘original’ to the materials from archives) was the fruit of their own learned effort. The stimulus to do that was a lapsus linguae by a renowned professor askedfor a thesis topic by a student. In his distress, he called the research assistants for help… Thelearned joke, until now a kind of unpublished ‘urban legend’ developed and realized by young men who became professors and now are emeriti, is hereby presented to a broaderpublic for the very first time.

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