Leioa, España
Against the forms and processes through which heteropatriarchy creates knowledge and constructs discourses around gender violence or machista violence (heteropatriarchal epistemologies), the feminist resistance has worked tirelessly in the construction of new frameworks and interpretations. As a contribution to this process, this article aims to share a methodological proposal consistent with a feminist analysis of violence against women. As a result of the theoretical review and epistemological reflection that emerges from a research of the phenomenon in the activist communities of the Basque Country, the proposal is sustained on the analysis of ten narratives of women activists who have survived violence.
Eteropatriarkatuak genero-indarkeriei edo indarkeria matxistei buruz ezagutza sortzeko eta diskurtsoak eratzeko darabiltzan moduei eta prozesuei (epistemologia heteropatriarkalak) aurre egite aldera, erresistentzia feministak lan eskerga egin du esanahi eta interpretazio-marko berriak eratzen. Prozesu horren ekarpen gisa, emakumeen aurkako indarkeriaren analisi feministarekin bat datorren proposamen metodologikoa partekatuko da artikulu honetan. Fenomenoaren analisitik eratorritako berrikuspen teorikoaren eta hausnarketa epistemologikoaren fruitu da, eta oinarri ditu Euskal Herriko komunitate ekintzaileetan indarkeria gainditu duten emakume ekintzaileen hamar narratiba.
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